These past few years, many marketers have understood that micro videos can help boost your conversion rates online. 2016 will be the year micro video is embraced by the masses. That’s why it becomes even more important to stand, or rather, jump out.
Our predictions for 2016 in a nutshell?
- Mobile tv consumption will surpass desktop.
- Square videos popularized by Vine and Instagram will take over classic 16:9 formats preached by television and YouTube.
- The success of Snapchat teaches us that even vertical video is on a high rise.
- Surfers ask for premium content and they will get it.
- The story of a video will go beyond just video. We’ll be seeing full-blown competitions and events where the actual video is merely the starting point.
In 2016, all aspects of video become important: not just the story and execution of the story, but the caption that goes along with it, and even the moment when the video is posted. Pay attention to each of these details, and you’ll stay one step ahead of your competitors.